Pinnacle LGS X3 Infinity

This system offers flexible and efficient production of structural frames for a wide range of applications.


  • Structural Frame & Truss Design Production System
  • Automatic Profile Size Change Production System
    (Size Change Time Under 10 Minutes, Including Truss Size and All Punching Tools)
  • World’s First & Unique Patented System

Integrated Software

  • PinnacleCAD Engineering Calculation
  • PinnacleCAD 3D Modeling Detailing
  • PInnacleCAD Machine Control Factory

The PinnacleFRAMER X3 System integrates the intelligence of PinnacleCAD structural calculation software, PinnacleCAD detailed 3D modeling software, and PinnacleCAD production and machine control software to achieve a truly comprehensive and fully automated design-to-production system.

This framing system designs, machines, and produces wall frames, floor trusses, and roof trusses, adhering to all major international light steel building codes: American, British, European, Canadian, and Australian. Equipped with Pinnacle’s patented roll-forming technology and the patented PinnacleTRUSS application system, this fully integrated design-to-production system delivers high productivity, superior quality, and 100% accurate results. It is the most innovative and competitive multi-profile production system in the industry!